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  • Site planning

    July 6, 2018

    Website planning on Procreate 5th July. Got into the zone, and well beyond it into de Bono parallel thinking.
    Drawn on a budget 2018 iPad using…

  • Digital life drawing

    October 22, 2017

    Just getting back to life drawing after a bit of a hiatus, and within the context of in-class demonstration. So everyone in the class…

  • Video referee

    May 15, 2016

    This is my new alternative to using a mirror to get proportions.

    Video record, find the right angle, copy, paste.

    Too easy.


    But! Is it art?

  • 2014 Closing

    October 21, 2014

    So whats been happening? Well, a few things.

    I recently upgraded my digital creation tools, now running a 22inch HD touch wacom cintiq attached to…