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Road Outrage

    Have you noticed how many four-wheel drives and SUV’s there are on the road this days? I ride a bicycle for commuting whenever possible. It’s… Read More »Road Outrage


      After writing the article ‘Should you watch the Fantastic Four’ I was left with some broad conclusions and more questions, having externalized the issues drove… Read More »ObjectiF4

      Sour grapes

        I’ve been making comics for years- literally since I was a kid. I’ve never held illusions that my work is cutting-edge or going to change… Read More »Sour grapes

        The juggler

          Time for another (long overdue) recap. It’s been a busy time, with teaching and a bunch of other stuff. I remarked to a friend the… Read More »The juggler

          Three Acts?

            I’m currently in the middle of plotting out the story for Chasing Shadows (working title) my final Doctoral output, a sprawling graphic novel that will be… Read More »Three Acts?

            2014 Closing

              So whats been happening? Well, a few things. I recently upgraded my digital creation tools, now running a 22inch HD touch wacom cintiq attached to… Read More »2014 Closing


                A wise man once said, say yes to everything. So that’s what I’m doing at the moment. Here’s the results. Right now I have a… Read More »Progress?

                24 Hour Comic

                  My submission for the 24 Hour Comic Challenge 2014, Chasing Shadows plays with two interweaving timelines. A dry run for my final graphic novel and… Read More »24 Hour Comic

                  Where to now?

                    After receiving my feedback from the confirmation assessment and another meeting with Andi on the 29th April I have a rough trajectory to follow. –… Read More »Where to now?