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Here’s a sequence from the GN where I’ve decided to use a song to lend a bit of continuity and to try to convey the… Read More »Music

Fully sick

Getting sick- a stomach bug, to be precise. Ain’t nobody got time for that. 

Kim Farrant

What a week. On Wednesday the 20th I had the great pleasure of accidentally stumbling into a guest lecture by  Kim Farrant, the Director of… Read More »Kim Farrant


Following on from the last post in which we jump across time and space, here is a short wordless (for the moment) scene that requires… Read More »Moments


Time is a slippery thing. In comics we, the creator, have the option to present time in any number of ways. We can use ellipses… Read More »Montage

In the family

This scene is set within a typical working class Australian birthday celebration setting. Packs of Longbeach (or Lung Bleach as they are affectionately known) and… Read More »In the family


Here I wanted to show Ronja pausing mid-stride, stopped by a sudden decision to confide in Clint. As an author, I’ve given myself quite a few limitations.… Read More »Limitations


Say what you will about digital drawing but custom brushes are great. I drew this tree silhouette in about two minutes using a custom brush.… Read More »Treez

Moving lines

I’ve found that in moving from script to image, things change. I’m often editing and moving dialogue around, or removing it entirely. Here I’ve replaced the dialogue… Read More »Moving lines

Workflow breakdown

I’ve mentioned previously here about my great plan; my cunning, genius, time-saving and fantastical workflow, involving drawing digital layouts in Manga Studio which (upon export) automatically sync… Read More »Workflow breakdown

Ashcan X

  In September 2013 I was contacted with the possibility of taking over the editor/organiser duties on Ashcan, a Brisbane indie anthology comic that had… Read More »Ashcan X