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Hackey sack

    This page harks back to enjoyable group activities back in the days. Hackey sack- a university cliché for good reason. Far more beneficial for exercise… Read More »Hackey sack


      This is one of the first scenes where I’m digging a little deeper into one of the supporting characters. The dialogue is still clunky, and… Read More »Character

      Static momentum

        Scott Bukatman, in his essay Sculpture, Stasis and Hellboy found within Critical Inquiry, Comics and Media (Chute & Jagoda 2014), ponders on the ideas of connection,… Read More »Static momentum

        The red pill

          More drawing like a madman, recording and adding commentary. This one goes for six minutes. My voice is like warm butter. Enjoy.

          Fast and loose

            I have the next four and a half days for drawing. Aiming for ten pages a day. Should be possible!

            Rule # 3

              There is a site where comic creators put forward their 10 rules (commandments?) for making comics, titled the 10 rules for drawing comics. I particularly like… Read More »Rule # 3


                I’ve always enjoyed drawing. I’ll always maintain I’ve never had an inherent talent for it; I’ve just drawn a lot, and improved as a result. This page attempts… Read More »Flow

                DCC 2015

                  Super happy fun Diary Comics 2015 compilation time. All the images are in place, now dropping in entry titles throughout. I’m halfway through April. Nice!… Read More »DCC 2015

                  Slow no

                    Everything is happening too slowly. I should have had at least 300 pages drafted by now. Every morning I wake up and think of the… Read More »Slow no

                    Organic story

                      I’ve been reading through Critical Inquiry: Comics and Media, edited by Hillary Chute and Patrick Jagoda, recommended by my friend and trusted supervisor Andi Spark.… Read More »Organic story


                        I love strong contrast of black and white. I can remember falling in love with Frank Miller’s gritty noir crime series Sin City for the way… Read More »Contrast

                        HR says no

                          Received my reply from Henry Rollins, stating he doesn’t want me to use his words in my work.   Bummer. The thing is, I don’t… Read More »HR says no


                            On Thursday 5th I gave a presentation about my Doctoral Research thus far in the Film School Research Seminar, followed by Trish FitzSimons and Angus Veitch’s intriguing… Read More »Prezi

                            Stay on model

                              I’ve made an effort to keep each character as distinct as possible in their likeness, to varying degrees of success. This character is Alphonse (the… Read More »Stay on model


                                Style is a hard thing to pin down. When we refer to a visual style, what exactly is it anyway? When asked about his style… Read More »Style


                                  Here’s a sequence from the GN where I’ve decided to use a song to lend a bit of continuity and to try to convey the… Read More »Music