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March 2014




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In lieu of an apology for being lame




One day’s insightful prose often become s the next day’s garbled bullshit.


The entries lately have been shortened due to me being too busy at the moment, however they continue regardless. This one was intended to make use of a more graphic representation of my frantic rushing around, but it doesn’t really work as well as choosing a single event, theme or a moment.



Me enjoying a moment of fresh air. More emphasis on playing with the markers.


I’m teaching now, and I felt today’s classes were particularly successful. This, however, is a slight exaggeration.

Using the brush and ink again feels great, but trying to work it on such a small size (13cm x 6cm) was not a clever idea


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dragon wipThis may seem like a cop out, but the last couple of days have been spent writing and editing my confirmation paper- the only drawing I’ve allowed myself is this, a birthday gift for my niece. Obviously this is a work in progress, the final product will be uploaded to my website

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