What a week. On Wednesday the 20th I had the great pleasure of accidentally stumbling into a guest lecture by Kim Farrant, the Director of Strangerland (2015). Kim spoke on a number of topics, captivating the audience in a way that blues her nature as a storyteller, however I’ll go into only one of them here. One thing that really resonated with me was Kim’s idea that we are vessels for stories, things that are much larger that us that, if we are quiet and brave enough, we can channel. It involves being fluid and allowing the story to tell itself, to move where it needs to go and to unfold organically throughout its creation. This was a great relief for me as I’ve always experienced a huge shift of story at every step of the process, particularly in the drawing and layout. Now I can say I’m not being undisciplined but can acknowledge the power of allowing the story to evolve every step of the way. I was fortunate to meet with Kim after the talk and she invited me to attend a masterclass in acting and directing the following two days. Man- what an honour and privilege. I won’t go into the particulars of activities but here are my notes, along with some assorted scribbles.
I also had the great opportunity to get feedback from Kim on my Graphic Novel in progress of which I’m over 200 pages of first draft in! Here’s some of her feedback: