In late 2022 I embraced winter in our new backyard, the Anninger, a mountain full with forest trails for walking and riding. On one of the jogging trips I was overcome with awe at the old trees, the eerie feeling of being alone in true nature with no one around. No one to care if you fall, hurt yourself, or worse. Just the sentinels staring down, the sense of peace, and introspection on the scaffolding we’ve erected over nature, reshaping it as straight lines and orderliness, when the truth is that nature is the closest we can come to touching anything that resembles god on this plane of existence (without ingesting substances).

I made this short comic at the request of a friends daughter while on holiday in Croatia. It’s amazing to think about all the creatures who have roamed the land before us, so few of whom left a lasting trace. Of course now it’s all sunburned tourists, discarded ciggie butts, and Mediterranean men loudly shouting what I assume are poems of undying devotion at their lady friends. Anyway. A simple style with this still took a while to create.