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Sktchy Inktober 2020

    In October 2020 I took part in Sktchy School’s Portrait Challenge with hosts Dylan Sara, Arto Isotalo, and Vin Ganpathy. Although I could easily do this without the prompts, somehow it’s easier committing within this frame. Each of these took between 30 minutes and an hour depending on how annoyed I was getting. Inevitably at the end of each I would wonder why I don’t do this more often.

    The entries are below in no particular order, each with a short commentary. Basically whatever pops in my head as I remember the drawing, bearing in mind that;

    Reflection, however, dependent as it is upon memory, and conducted after the creative act rather than during (or as close to as possible), can be an unfortunately fallible method, and often fails to offer insights into the cognitive processes of creation that are frequently the focus of PBR (Practice Based Research)

    Skains, Creative Practice as Research: Discourse on Methodology

    Still, for a blog post I think memory is good enough, and I’ll even have a go at working with Graeme Sullivan’s 2009 model which advocates for a mix of theoretical, conceptual, and contextual approaches in order to qualify as Practice Based Research.
