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Entwined- A Recurrent Romance- the beginning

    After much behind the scenes thought blasting via email, Skype chats, and an interstate visit, I’m finally ready to start posting a collaboration project I’m excited about. Entwined – A Recurrent Romance will be a one-shot comic about gods, superheroes and birth control, with writing and layouts by Dr Mike 2000 aka Mike Cooper.   

    It’s been a long time coming but the next few posts will show off some of the character designs I’ve been playing with, and I’ll keep the blog updated with new stuff as we go. I’ve still got the two teaching jobs and my own 300 page graphic novel to finish off, so it will be slow going, but the wheels are turning and the butter is churning. Or something.  Check out Dr Mike’s work at the links below for some of the best writing coming out of Australia on the indie scene and beyond.