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Oz Comic Con ahoy

    Last week I got news from the good people at Oz Comic Con that I’ve been elected from a pool of hundreds, if not thousands of applicants to have a table in their prestigious artists’ alley in Melbourne this year. A much-welcomed relief after just missing out on an awesome comic workshop residency for the second time in a row. Every little win is a win and you have to be in it to win it, and other such motivational catchphrases.

    I even applied for a residency to draw diary comics for a month in Antarctica, which would be incredible beyond belief, and I’ll find out about that one in June. Anyway, I need to make a choice. Either I roll as I did at Supanova, passively watching the sea of people flowing past from a place of stillness, or I decide to actually sell my books and put a more concerted effort into engaging people. I think the latter. Because as nice as it is to sit back and relax at these things, it would also be nice to cover costs, and what’s more, get more of my work into people’s hands. Because it’s one thing to create, but without aggressive marketing and sales, I’m pretty much only entertaining myself and close friends.