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15th-20th November- Efficiency measures

    11.15-20.15For this page of diary comics I’ve taken a similar approach as the last time, except here after roughs with a blue pencil I’ve gone straight in with a 0.5 ink pen, focusing mainly on key lines. Once these were established I put in text, deciding to go straight in without planning, which resulted in the need for fix-ups in Photoshop. If one thing needs to be planned, it’s text. After this I went over the lot very quickly with a Neutral Gray copic marker and finished up with a 0.3 and 0.05 for some finer details. I tried to keep this one quite simple, which is not easy for me, as I’m prone to getting carried away with detail. Although the linework is a little too thick in some areas, this one was completed quite quickly and I’m happy with the result.