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24 Hour Comic Challenge 2015 – Da Rules!

    2015_Cover-photo_224 Hour Comic Challenge: How does it work, what should I do?

    A summary in 9 points:



    1. Your process during the challenge


    • STARTING: Post a message that you are starting, with your name and comic title. This is your official start time. (The challenge runs 10am AEST Saturday to 11pm AEST Monday)


    • DURING: Post your process pages at least 8 times during your 24h, preferably at least once every few hours. All posting happens on the facebook page,!  If you don’t have access to a scanner digital photos are perfectly fine. Remember, these are not the images people will be voting on! This is only so we can see your process and give you encouragement along the way.


    • ENDING: 24 hours after your start time is your end time. All completed pages should be posted and viewable at this time. Make sure you are not starting to scan and upload 5 minutes before the time is up- sort out a method for quickly uploading as you go BEFORE YOU START.


    • Pages posted after your 24 hours end are not eligible for judging- for example, if you post 20 pages in 24 hours and add 4 later, you are only eligible to be judged in the 16 page category, not the 24 page.


    1. How many pages should I draw?

    There are 3 categories:

    1. 24 pages (the real thing for the cool pro!)
    2. 16 pages (for the ambitious rookie)
    3. 8 pages (for youngsters, grandmas and the timid)

    24 page entries are preferable, in the spirit of the challenge. Consider joining forces (try to keep it to a duo, please, in the interest of fairness) if you’re unsure of being able to produce 24 pages.

    Categories are rated independently, and have prizes for the winners. The really cool prizes are of course only in the royal category of 24 pages.


    1. What weapons and tools are allowed?

    There are no restrictions to format or materials used or how the final comic is presented, except that it must be posted on the official facebook page so as to show start-to-finish progress. All uploads must clearly display your name and comic title. Artistic ability is not a necessity; previous entries have used photos, images captured from computer games, stick figures and postcards.


    1. How do you make sure that people do not post already existing work?

    There will be three random items/words which will need to be included, these will be posted on the 24 Hour Comics Challenge page starting the morning of the Challenge and updated every 12 hours. You must use the current random words/items in your story (in text or visually) in order to be eligible for prizes.


    1. Who decides who wins?

    All participants, their friends, their families and their cats have the rights to vote, this is what you have to do: ‘like’ the official page before the challenge ends and voting begins

    • add a ‘like’ to your favourite comic (or comics)


    1. What happens after the weekend of the challenge?
    • At the end of the challenge the page will be closed to new likes and posts. All entrants are to message the administrators of the official page, giving a link to their completed comic. You can upload your final comic to any image sharing site or personal website, or even a separate facebook album. Keeping things within facebook seemed like a good option last year. The organisers of the challenge will post each entrant’s link to the front page, voting be determined by how many likes that particular post gets.


    1. How long is the voting period?
    • Voting begins at the end of the Challenge, and will continue for two weeks afterwards. Prizes will be assigned according to the highest number of likes on the post containing the link to their final, completed comic. Prizes will be awarded to the first place and runner-up of the 24, 16 and 8 page categories.


    1. Who can take part?
    • Although open for all, only Australian Residents are eligible for prizes.
    1. You haven’t answered my question!
    • Feel free to contact us at