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On April the 8th I finally got to present my work and findings from the previous year. It took four and a half weeks to prepare my paper, a Herculean struggle to keep it under 8,000 words. I am doing my best to cut out excess ramble in my academic writing, these days it’s become concise and less fluffy. Although I certainly miss the fluff indulgence, it is cool to have an informed approach to this kind of writing.

Here’s a diary comic I made about the day.

04.08.14-web I received some feedback from the assessors and audience afterwards, including:

  • Include in my literature review more work from popular culture
  • Check out Jean Rouch, a French New Wave filmmaker who explored ideas of reflection and narration
  • Figure out what I’m trying to say- what is my voice? 
  • What is the over arching theme? Some suggested here it is about ‘Becoming a Man’. something I admittedly have little experience in… but a universally relatable theme that might help to connect with more people in my future graphic novel


That’s pretty much it, most of the discussion centred around the idea of a universal theme.


So, new working title, BE A MAN


Here are the lovingly prepared slides, as you can see I’m more of a picture than text kinda guy. Let the pretty pictures distract from my slow rambling nonsense, I always say.


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