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Foundations of University Teaching

    Teaching seminar notes. Not for citation or referencing. Please excuse the brevity and any errors or omissions.

    Learning as conditioning (memorising) or rewards/reinforcement.

    Active learning- get students to do stuff that exercises learning

    Small group teaching- less a bout size and more about what happens- between 3 and 6 people is a classic small group

    Students collaborating with each other and talking with each other

    Our role more as facilitators than lecturing- up front

    Types of small group learning-

    • staff led (tutorials/workshops)
    • student led (learning groups/peer tutoring/project teams)
    • embedded (small group activity within a larger scenario i.e lecture)
    • virtual (discussion boards/forums, e-tutorials)

    Advantage of small group learning

    • Encourages inclusive, sustained peer interactions where students can learn from each other
    • Students learn to express conclusions and defend them
    • Students learn to judge feedback and incorporate or reject as required
    • Multiple directions that learning can go in
    • Real world experience where working in groups is the usual modus operandi

    When a tutor gives a lecture rather than facilitates a dialogue

    • students don’t get a proper chance to understand
    • need to keep an eye on time
    • stand back and observe
    • hold back where possible
    • NOT stepping in as the default
    • just wait and assess the situation
    • make sure that students understands what is expected
    • ask the students what they want to get out of the learning

    If a student is reluctant to talk

    • why? shy, language difficulties, not prepared, group dynamics
    • use ice breakers
    • set individual activity followed by group activity
    • use a written activity before a group activity
    • check that you are making students confident by your language

    When students do not prepare

    • set ground rules at the beginning
    • provide information about support
    • how much is to do with reading load
    • provide interactive handouts

    Tips for small group teaching

    Be prepared, bring handouts, keep record of sessions
    promote active participation, encourage student interaction
    vary teaching methods
    provide relevant information- fill in gaps in knowledge only
    make careful judgement about when you step in

    Reflection on existing knowledge


    Paper reading and small group sharing

    Larger group sharing

    Reflection on activities and things learned

    Large Group learning

    purpose of lectures:

    • to provide knowledge of topic: active learning
    • to give understanding of what is required
    • understand new concepts, how to solve problems: explaining and modelling
    • flip the lecture- give information early, use the lecture to explain hard concepts and get interactive
    • Inspire and stimulate: Delivery
    • Give feedback: Formative assessment methods- “how am I going? “
    • Link to the curriculum: signposting- explain why this is important, relevant, where it fits in

    Student engagement- student to student, lecturer to student, small group learning, student with a worksheet with problems, questions, give them time to work something out and reinforce what has been learned

    Active participation- Inspired, aroused, motivated students through enthusiastic delivery

    Logically structured lectures

    Varied activities- change activities every 20 minutes (less?)


    Clickers- JPOLL as automatic response system, formative assessment, activities

    Get to know your students- ask questions


    Relationship between lectures and course materials

    Know the course profile


    break lecture into chunks

    keep an eye on time

    schedule the class beforehand

    small group activities

    Structuring your lecture:

    • start with examples
    • signpost direction and structure
    • highlight and emphasise key points
    • framing- endings and beginnings- ask questions before moving on

    Be prepared to deliver lecture without any technical assistance in case everything fails

    Rehearse first few minutes to get you go

    Know your stuff to be able to deliver in varying timeframes

    Opening and closing lecture in interesting ways. Sum up and conclude

    The use of resources/slides

    Working on a tablet and keeping it as a record for future use- demonstration purposes

    Online and technology-enhanced learning

    Context- where are we

    Things to impact learning within the next 5 years

    1 year

    • social media
    • online, hybrid, collaborative learning- MOOCs
    • flipped classes
    • learning analytics

    2 to 3 years 

    data driven learning and assessment- tracking of stats (input online forums etc)

    shift from students as consumers to students as creators

    3D printing


    4 to 5 years

    trends- agile change management

    evolution of online learning

    quantified self- tracking your time online, social media, word documents etc

    virtual assistants/wearable technology

    Rationales- why?

    teaching methods haven’t changed but technology means attention is distracted to laptops, devices etc. Old world methods vs new world habits

    what do we know about learning, how does that influence educational technology and how can we design courses to work with changes in technology

    Possibilities for teaching

    pedagogical content knowledge (PCK)- collaborating with education people to tailor teaching strategies for the content

    Evaluating your teaching

    How to evaluate?

    • Triangulation model via- Student/Peer/Self reflection
    • Self evaluation- a journal of reflection/teaching portfolio
    • teaching philosophy- What do I want to do? What is the outcome? How does it mean to be a teacher. Student centred? Constructivism (application of knowledge)? Critically evaluating my teaching.
    • Peer review- summative/formative- summative leads toward a grade. Formative is informal and gives feedback along the way
    • Student feedback- SET and SEC (Student Experience Teaching and Student Evaluation of Course)

    Assessment Principles and Practice

    • ‘Frontloading’ assessment- explaining up front at the start of semester/teaching period what is expected from assessment and how it will be assessed.
    • Remediation if a student fails or performs badly- what do i do?
    • Assessing- What worked well was… What to improve on is….
    • Encourage student reflection by asking open questions- “Can you tell me you rationale for why did you do this?” etc.
    • Choose only a limited number of suggestions for improvement so as not to overwhelm them